
Mandy\'s avatar

I think the front part of the spider is called the cephalothorax (fused head/thorax). I’ve been working on the whole “scared of spiders” thing by learning more about them, which has been pretty helpful, but occasionally knowledge has side effects.

9 comments on “Arachnorevelation

  1. Maybe if the legs were where you always draw them, fewer people would be unrationally afraid of them?

  2. That is a bad route you go there. Spiders drawn like Hamsters. Spiderhamsters. Have a good sleep…

  3. I have a couple pet tarantulas that someone called eight legged horror hamsters once. 😅

    Your comics are awesome!!

  4. Oh yay, you’re back! Just checked your comic for the first time in a few months, I hope you’re doing well

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