(Whoops, wordpress update broke my smileys/avatars, on my todo list to fix!)

That said – Curtailed will be taking a break for the next few weeks!
It’s been a few years since we started our comic, and I realized I’ve never actually taken an intentional vacation from it. Lately I’m run a bit ragged and most weeks it’s a last minute rush to get the strip out on time – I’m going to take some time to breathe awhile, then hopefully some time to get my buffer back before jumping back in.
We won’t leave you with nothing, though! For the next 4 weeks, there won’t be new comics, but there will be something here to delight and entertain every Sunday! What will it be? That’s a surprise! 🙂
Thank you all for reading! See you after my little spring break!
I agree Rowlet is so plushy. The cute little bow-tie makes it even better.
Enjoy your vacation, Mandy (& Fox!)! You deserve it!!! I will be waiting when you return.
Another standard thing many webcomics do when they want a break is to show guest strips or even fanart. There are plenty of good artists out there, many of whom are fans of this strip.
I’ve considered that at some point but didn’t have the time to get it set up this time around – maybe later!
The best person I’ve seen that draws fan art of you and Fox is Christopher Paulsen. When he puts the two of you in his “Precocious” comic, I thought it was you doing the characters instead of him. (Plus, he’s got one of the weirdest senses of humor I’ve seen. LOL.)
Oh, BTW, Fox does seem to know which buttons to push to bring out the kid in you, doesn’t he? LOL.
Well when you know a person well enough, you start to notice all the BIG SHINY BUTTONS they leave around. T’would be a SHAME not to push them!
I really like the sketched comics. I especially like the style of Fox’s face for the first panel. Also, the fourth panel really struck a cord with me.
stressing yourself out isent good for you, take a nice long break, hug your hamster and come back when your full of energy again 😉
How to cheer up Seley 101: Pokemon. Nothing but Pokemon.
Speaking of which, why do people keep calling that new seel a dog?! Have people never heard of a seel before? There’s even a seel pokemon from Gen 1 for crying out loud! D=
Mmmm…Nope! Never heard of a “seel”; not even in my dictionary. A “seal” on the other hand… 😉 🙂 🙂
(Just teasing you! I knew what you meant right away. 🙂 )
A surprise? I like surprises! 😀
Yup, Seley looks better with hair.
Panel four, annoyed lioness Seley. XD
I was gonna say Seley’s channeling Nala.
Just got Michele Knotz’s autograph yesterday! She is such an awesome person! That’s 2 years in a row I have met her. *feels so lucky*
Enjoy your break you two!
Enjoy your well-deserved break! We’ll be waiting when you get back!
And yeah, I’m totally starting with Rowlet. Grass-type starters all the way since 1998.
Wow, I really like this. As an artist seeing someone elses framework is a chance to study their style and learn from it (learn, not copy.) I’m sure it wasn’t the intended goal but its awesome none the less.
BTW, didn’t Mandy have these same feelings when she got excited when acorn squash was on sale and didn’t Fox get her out of her funk by mentioning Pokemon?